






供稿: 蔡亮 编辑: 董学敏 时间:2016-06-12
  由足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网理工大学主办的“第8届随机分析及其应用国际研讨会”将于2016年6月13日至6月 17日在足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网理工大学中关村校区举行。本次会议旨在探讨随机分析及相关领域的最新学术动态和前 沿信息,交流最新的研究成果、应用进展。
  自2006年,第一届随机分析及其应用国际会议在美国西雅图华盛顿大学召开以来,这一系 列会议已经分别在首尔国立大学(首尔,2008),足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网理工大学(足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网,2009),关西大学(大阪 ,2010),波恩大学豪斯多夫数学中心(波恩,2011),B?dlewo 巴拿赫中心(波兰,2012)和首 尔国立大学(首尔,2014)举行了第二到七届。本次会议的官方网址: http://math.bit.edu.cn/icsaa2016/
  Martin Barlow (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  Zhen-Qing Chen (co-chair, University of Washington, USA)
  Zhi-Ming Ma (co-chair, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academia Sinica, China)
  Takashi Kumagai (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
  James Norris (University of Cambridge, UK)
  Michael Roeckner (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
  会议邀请了70余位海内外专家学者到会,27位专家以及14位青年学者做报告,欢迎各位老 师同学参加。
  报告地点:中教407(6月13日) 研究生楼101(6月13日除外),会议具体日程 如下:
Monday June 13 (Room 407 of Zhongxin Building)
8:30-9:10 am Opening Ceremony and Group Photo  
9:15-9:55 am Mu-Fa Chen The charming first nontrivial eigenpair
9:55-10:25 am Coffee Break  
10:25-11:05 am Amarjit Budhiraja Large and Moderate Deviation Problems for Weakly Interacting Markov Processes
11:10-11:35 am Jian Wang Stability of heat kernel estimates and parabolic Harnack inequalities for jump processes on metric measure spaces
11:40-12:05 pm Mathav Murugan Davies' method for fractal-like spaces
2:20-3:00 pm Shizan Fang Lagrangian paths for the Navier-Stokes equation on spheres
3:05-3:45 pm Benjamin Gess Stochastic scalar conservation laws
3:45-4:15 pm Coffee Break  
4:15-4:55 pm Masanori Hino Integrated version of Varadhan's asymptotics for first-order perturbations of strong local Dirichlet forms
5:00-5:25 pm Lihu Xu Large deviation of occupation measures for a family of SPDEs
Tuesday June 14 (Room 101 of Graduate School Building)
8:30-9:10 am Shige Peng Rough paths for nonlinear G-Brownian motion
9:15-9:55 am Xicheng Zhang Stochastic integrals and BDG's inequalities in Orlicz-type spaces
9:55-10:25 am Coffee Break  
10:25-11:05 am Fuzhou Gong New Results for Insider Trading Theory in Finance
11:10-11:35 am Naotaka Kajino The Laplacian on the Apollonian gasket and its Weyl type eigenvalue asymptotics
11:40-12:05 pm Xinxing Chen Gaussian bounds on locally irregular graphs
2:20-3:00 pm Feng-Yu Wang Properties of non-symmetric Markov processes and symmetrizations
3:05-3:45 pm Panki Kim Asymptotical properties of distributions of isotropic Levy processes
3:45-4:15 pm Coffee Break  
4:15-4:55 pm Yimin Xiao Macro-Scale Fractal Properties of L/'evy Processes
5:00-5:25 pm Jieming Wang Boundary Harnack Principle for Brownian Motion with Jumps
Wednesday June 15 (Room 101 of Graduate School Building)
8:30-9:10 am Jean-Dominique Deuschel Invariance Principle for the Random Conductance Model with dynamic degenerate weights
9:15-9:55 am Rongfeng Sun Scaling Limits of Disordered Systems: Marginal Relevance and Universality
9:55-10:25 am Coffee Break  
10:25-11:05 am Christophe Sabot The Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and a Random Schr?dinger
11:15-11:55 am Zengjing Chen Necessary and sufficient conditions for law of large numbers without additivity
2:20-3:00 pm Zenghu Li Continuous-state branching processes in Levy random environments
3:05-3:45 pm Yanxia Ren $L/log L$ criterion for a class of multitype superdiffusions with nonlocal branching mechanism
3:45-4:15 pm Coffee Break  
4:15-4:55 pm Enrico Priola Uniqueness results for additive SDEs with jumps and Holder continuous drift term
5:00-5:25 pm Tomasz Grzywny Hitting times of points and intervals for symmetric L/'{e}vy processes
5:30-5:55 pm Dangzheng Liu Critical exponents, scaling limits and universality in products of random matrices
Thursday June 16 (Room 101 of Graduate School Building)
8:30-9:10 am Peter Imkeller A Fourier analysis based approach of rough integration
9:15-9:55 am Xiangdong Li W-entropy formulas on super Ricci flow and optimal transportation on manifolds
9:55-10:25 am Coffee Break  
10:25-11:05 am Krzystof Bogdan Hardy-Stein identities and square functions for semigroups
11:10-11:35 am Longmin Wang Isotropic Stable Processes in Cones
11:40-12:05 pm Pawel Sztonyk Spatial asymptotics at infinity for transition densities of jump Levy processes
2:20-3:00 pm Jie Xiong SPDE with Poisson representation
3:05-3:45 pm Moritz Kassmann Regular nonlocal Dirichlet forms with singular and anisotropic measures
3:45-4:15 pm Coffee Break  
4:15-4:55 pm Xia Chen Large scale asymptotics for parabolic Anderson models of Gassian noise
5:00-5:25 pm Hui He On reduced tree of a stationary branching process
5:30-5:55 pm Rongchan Zhu Restricted Markov uniqueness and ergodicity for the stochastic quantization of $p(/Phi)_2$ and its applications
Friday June 17 (Room 101 of Graduate School Building)
8:30-9:10 am Arnulf Jentzen Nonlinear stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations: regularity properties and numerical approximations
9:15-9:55 am Jinqiao Duan Recent Advances in Stochastic Dynamics
9:55-10:25 am Coffee Break  
10:25-10:50 am Ting Yang Skeleton decomposition and law of large numbers for supercritical superprocesses
10:55-11:20 am Xian Chen Identification of unstable fixed points for randomly perturbed dynamical systems with multistability
11:25-12:05 pm Pierre Mathieu Fluctuation-dissipation relations and the Einstein relation for diffusions in a random environment
2-6:30 pm free afternoon