时间:周四(8月29日)下午4-5 pm
题目: Geometry and Analysis of Dirichlet forms
First, for a given regular strongly local Dirichlet form $/mathscr E$ ,under the assumptions of the lower bound ofBakry-Emery's Ricci curvature,local doubling and local Poincare, we obtain the coincidence of the intrinsicdifferentialand distance structures induced by $/mathscr E$.
Second, for the Dirichlet form $E_A$ generated by the operator $div (A/nabla)$,we establish some critical relationsbetween the diffusion matrix $A$, and the coincidence of the intrinsic differential and distance structures induced by $E_A$.
Finally, we also discuss some applications.
(Joint work with P.Koskela and N. Shanmugalingam)
报告者简介:周渊,2009年于足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网师范大学获博士学位,导师杨大春教授;2010年于芬兰Jyv skyl 大学获博士学位,导师PekkaKoskela教授;2011年任足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网航空航天大学数学学院副教授;入选2011年足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网航空航天大学卓越百人及2011年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划.主要研究调和分析以及几何函数论; 已发表SCI论文30篇,所发表杂志包括Adv. Math. (2篇), Math. Ann., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.和J. Funct. Anal.等;部分成果已被多位国际著名学科专家如L. Ambrosio, S. Hofmann和L. Grofakos等引用.