宇航学院邀请澳大利亚悉尼大学的Tong Liyong教授为我校师生作学术报告,时间地点如下。欢迎广大师生参加!
题目:Multi scale 3D Composite Materials and Structures
报告人:Prof. Liyong Tong
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney
Carbon fibre reinforced composite material has been widely used in aerospace structures due to its high specific stiffness and strength. Its applications vary from airframe structures to engine blades in aircraft structures. One of the key issues in the design and manufacture of laminated composite structures is that they are weak in through-the-thickness direction or in-between carbon fibres, which leads to macroscopic failure mechanism – inter or intra-laminar delamination. Delamination has been considered as one of the limiting factors in the usage of composite materials. Various techniques have been attempted to enhance delamination toughness or strength by placing reinforcing entities, from microscopic to nano scale. This presentation covers a brief introduction to various macroscopic reinforcing techniques, such as stitching and pinning, and some selected experimental results and theoretical prediction, and then discusses the potential multiple level hybrid reinforcement with nano scale entities.
仝力勇教授是国际上复合材料和智能结构领域的知名学者,研究成果涉及到材料、结构、控制等多个学科领域。仝力勇教授著有专著2部,合编论文集3部,其中“Analysis and Design of Structural Bonded Joints”一书是当前胶接技术领域的最有影响力的著作,并为大量的研究工作所借鉴和引用。仝力勇教授在国际知名杂志上先后发表了200余篇论文,其中大部分为SCI和EI同时检索的论文,并在国际学术会议上先后发表了80余篇论文,完成20余份研究报告。由于仝力勇教授在相关领域的突出成就,他先后从美国空军和美国波音公司获得了大量的研究经费,这些国际合作研究项目也从另一个侧面反映了他在复合材料和智能结构领域的突出贡献和地位。
联系人:苏煜 联系人邮箱:adamyusu@bit.edu.cn