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来源:   发布日期:2012-07-17

物理学院“博约学术沙龙”系列报告第26期 (2012年第9期,总第26期)

题  目:  Theoretical study of the optical and electron transport properties of single molecules
报告人:  田广军 博士
单  位:  Division of Theoretical Chemistry& Biology,
                KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
时  间: 2012年7月20日(星期五)上午11:00
地  点: 中心教学楼610

Electroluminescence from single molecules can be observed under the excitation of the highly localized tunneling electrons in a scanning tunneling microscope. Recent experiments on porphyrin derivatives and C60 fullerene molecules have shown some surface plasmon related features which have not been explained before. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we have developed a general theoretical approach to describe the electroluminescence from molecules near a metal surface induced by both electron tunneling and local surface plasmon excitations simultaneously. The new method has been applied to study the electroluminescence spectra of porphyrin derivatives and C60 molecules and, for both types of molecules, the simulated spectra are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental spectra. Through our simulation, we have nicely explained the observed unusual large variation of emission spectral profiles of porphyrin derivatives and we are able to give unambiguous assignment of the measured spectra of C60 molecules. I will also give a brief introduction of some other works including electron transport properties of weakly coupled bipyridine molecular junctions and vibrationally-resolved optical spectra of polyatomic molecules.

1. Density-matrix approach for the electroluminescence of molecules in a scanning tunneling microscope, Guangjun Tian, Ji-Cai Liu, and Yi Luo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 177401 (2011).
2.Electroluminescence of molecules in a scanning tunneling microscope: Role of tunneling electrons and surface plasmons, Guangjun Tian and Yi Luo, Phys. Rev. B 84, 205419 (2011).

简  历:
田广军,男,1982年生。2008年在足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网理工大学物理学院(原理学院物理系)获得硕士学位,导师为苏文勇老师。2008年获得国家留学基金委资助到瑞典皇家工学院攻读博士学位至今,导师为罗毅教授。此期间主要从事分子电子学与光子学等相关方面的研究,研究方向主要包括单分子电致荧光,单分子电子输运特性,多原子分子的光学光谱以及X射线光谱等。现在以第一作者已发表Physical Review Letters论文1篇和Physical Review B论文1篇。

网址: http://physics.bit.edu.cn/
