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来源:   发布日期:2012-09-12

物理学院“博约学术论坛”系列报告第28期        (2012年第17期)

题  目:Conical Refraction of Light
报告人:John F. Donegan  教授
单  位:爱尔兰三一学院
时  间:2012年9月19日(星期三)下午14:30
地  点:中心教学楼701 

摘  要:
Conical refraction of light was discovered by Hamilton and Lloyd in Trinity College Dublin in 1832. When light is incident along the axes of a biaxial crystal, the beam develops as a hollow cone within the crystal and emerges with a cylindrical shape. In more recent times, the theory has been developed into conical diffraction (by Michael Berry of University of Bristol and others) and many fine details of the beam are now understood. The beam has recently been used as a new type of optical trap in which small beads are trapped by the beam. In this lecture, I will review the basic background and give some examples of our recent research work in Trinity College.

简  历:

1986 年在爱尔兰国立大学物理系,获博士学位;     1986-1988 年,在Lehigh University 的Sherman Fairchild Laboratory 从事博士后研究;     1988-1989 年在德国马普胶体所做博士后;     1989-1993 年在爱尔兰光子学研究中心认资深研究员;     1993 年开始任爱尔兰三一学院任讲师、教授。     目前是 IOP、ION、IEEE 等协会的Fellow,2008 开始担任爱尔兰三一学院物理系系主任。Donegan 教授是纳米光子学材料与物理领域的著名学者。在半导体纳米技术等领域有很大的影响。截至2012 年5 月,已经发表论文157 篇,所发表论文被引用近2000 次,H-因子为23。

邀请人:邹炳锁  教授 
网    址: http://physics.bit.edu.cn/
