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“数通古今,学贯中外”学术讲座第三十一期预告【Alexander ?ostak】

作者:高冰    来源:数学学院   发布日期:2012-09-17
主讲人:Alexander Šostak
题 目:Variable range categories of approximate systems
时 间:2012年9月19日上午8:30---9:20
地 点:研究生楼204

  Alexander Šostak出生于1948年,他于1975年在Moscow University获得博士学位. 他的从教经历和研究兴趣等如下:
Professional Experience:
•Assistent professor (1974-1978), associated professor(1978-1993), professor (since 1993) at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
•Head of the Section of Mathematical Analysis, University of Latvia, 1999 – 2006
•Visiting professor at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Republic of South Aftica 1993.
•Visiting professor at York University, Toronto,  Canada  2006.
•Holder of  scientific grants (Latvian Academy of Sciences) in topology and Algenra. (since 1991)
•Director of the professional study programme in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Latvia (1999-2011)
•Director of the Master programme in Mathematics at the University of Latvia.
Honours  and Awards:
•Member of the European Academy of Sciences (since 2003).
•Coresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (since 2004).
Professional Activities and Memberships:
•Member of the board of the Latvian Mathematical Society (since 1993). President of the Society (1997 – 2001).
•Member of the Russian Association of Fuzzy Sets and Structures.
•Member of EUSFLAT (European Society for Fuzzy Sets and Technology)
•Member of the South African Mathematical Society ( 1994 - 2001).
•Member of the Stirring Committee of the Annual North American Topological Conferences (1998 – 2000)
Scientific Interests:
•General topology (Cardinal functions of topological spaces, extention of continuous mappings, theory of retracts and extensors, shapes,  generalized metric spaces, compactness type properties);
•Category theory.
• L-valued topological and algebraic structures.
•Fuzzy sets and fuzzy structures. Applications of fuzzy sets and fuzzy structures.
•Rough sets.
•Many-valued logics
Editorial activities:
•Member of the editorial board of International Journal for Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Structures.
•Member of the editorial board of Matematicki Vesnik (Beograd, Serbia).
•Vice Editor in Chief of  Acta Univ. Latviensis., ser Math.
•Member of the editorial board of Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems...
•Member of the editorial board of Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
•Member of the editorial board of Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics.