德国慕尼黑工大飞行动力学研究所Stanislav Braun飞行控制系统设计课程预告
德国慕尼黑工大飞行动力学研究所的Stanislav Braun将于2013年3月1日至16日来足球365比分_365体育投注-直播*官网理工大学机电学院访问交流。下面是Stanislav Braun的学术讲座时间与地点,欢迎广大师生参加!
时间 内容 时间,地点 4/3/2013 (Mon) 课程I—Development of Flight Control Systems I Ø Introduction into Development of Flight Control System Ø Overview on Certification Guidelines and De-facto Standards for development of Aircraft Systems 三号教学楼后重点实验室2层会议室 2: pm-4:pm 5/3/2013 (Tue) 课程II—Development of Flight Control Systems II Ø Development Process of Airborne Electronics with Focus on Flight Control Systems Ø Safety Assessment and Reliability Analysis of Airborne Electronics 三号教学楼后重点实验室2层会议室 2: pm-4:pm 6/3/2013 (Wed) 课程III—Model-based Development and Verification of Flight Control Algorithms 三号教学楼后重点实验室2层会议室 2:00-4:00pm
Short introduction/ abstract:
The development of flight control systems is a multidisciplinary process, where the development of flight control, flight guidance laws and gain design state an essential but small part of the whole process.
Disciplines like requirements engineering, systems- and safety engineering, as well as detailed knowledge on certification issues of electronic airborne systems must be taken into account as they are fundamental for the success of development programs of such systems.
De-facto standards like ARP 4754 as well as certification guidelines (e.g. EASA CS-23) build the starting point for the setup of a development process. Integral processes like Safety Assessment and Configuration Management complete the activities and build the rigid framework for the development activities. Consideration of applicable development process requirements and a lean customized implementation of the process itself are the key factors to success of development programs in the field of airborne certifiable safety critical systems.
The lecture aims at giving an introduction into the topics of Development of Flight Control Systems. It shall provide an entry point to industry relevant topics to students in the field of flight dynamics and control enabling them to guide their theoretic research towards application in real flight.