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来源:   发布日期:2013-03-12

物理学院“博约学术论坛”系列报告第35期     (2013年第2期)

题 目:A Model of Quantum Gravity within Riemann-Cartan Geometry
报告人:DMITRIY G. PAK Professor,Senior Research Scientist,
                Lab. of Few Nucleon Systems, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan
时  间:2013年3月15日(星期五)上午10:00
地  点:中心教学楼610

The notion of We consider foundations of possible theory of quantum gravity which inherits geometrical structure from the classical Einstein general relativity. We start with basic concepts of space and with the fundamental principle of equivalence and explore the idea of Lorentz gauge gravity. Our main result is that we propose a class of Lorentz gauge gravities with torsion which admits a topological phase in the gravitational sector.  It turns out that there is a unique Lagrangian that implies dynamic spin one mode in correspondence with gauge theories of other fundamental interactions. Remarkably, despite a non-compact structure of the Lorentz gauge group, the model possesses rather a positive-definite Hamiltonian. This implies further consistent quantization and leads to a renormalizable quantum theory. It is assumed that the proposed model describes possible mechanism of emergent Einstein gravity. Possible relationship with origin of dark matter and dark energy is discussed.

1989    PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Candidate of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences), Uzbekistan National University

Statement of research interests
1.Gravity and Cosmology;
2.Quantum field theory;
3.Mathematical physics

Selected papers
1. D.G. Pak, Y.M. Kim and T. Tsukioka, A Lorentz gauge theory as a model of energent gravity, Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 084006.
2. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, P.M. Zhang, L.P. Zhou, Weyl symmetric structure of QCD, Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 045025; arxiv: 1204.5970.
3. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, Vacuum tunneling in gravity, Class.Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 155008.
4. Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, A Convergent Series for the QED effective action, Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 1947.

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